Samanth Goel IPS RAW Chief, and Narendra Modi Prime Minister
Narendra Modi betrayed the Nation by working as a foreign agent for the CIA's mind-reader operations against
Defence personnel in India, China, and Russia, in return for money and equipment.
This makes Narendra Modi a CIA agent and "desh drohi."
Narendra Modi is unfit for high office.
Samanth Goel IPS, Chief of RAW, is directing the Brain-Signal extraction operations (mind-reader)
and Machine Learning operations on brain signals transmitted from my brain.
Samanth Goel, BARC, and NIH researchers, should be prosecuted
for ordering RAW staff to kill me with the radioactive poison Polonium-210
in order to suppress me from revealing the human rights crimes committed by RAW and BARC Nuclear Weapons department
in co-operation with CIA and researchers from NIH of USA.
Samath Goel, IPS crooked police officer & Chief of RAW, should be prosecuted for doing the following to me:
1. poisoning MY FOOD AND WATER with radioactive Polonium-210 supplied by CIA and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
with approval from Narendra Modi in order to hide the mind-reader chips
[ROHIT RAJ of 209/2A Rattan Vihar, Rajendra Park, Gurugram, Haryana and DCP West Deepak Saharan IPS crook
are involved in this poisoning operation];
2. Inserting eyeball video camera into my eye lenses at MGM Hospital Vashi, Navi Mumbai
under orders of CIA and Narendra Modi; where eyeball video camera was supplied by CIA.
3. Performing Machine Learning operations on brain signals extracted from my brain to find brain signal patterns to manipulate and jam brain functions
4. Inserting electric transducers into my penis at MGM Hospital Vashi
under orders of CIA and Narendra Modi; where penis transducer was supplied by CIA.
is installed with Mind-Reader (piezoelectric nanoparticles + 1MHz ultrasound pulse-echo chip)
in the center of his brain by RAW and CIA at MGM Hospital, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India in 2016
[Previously, he was inserted with radio-powered brain-signal reading electrodes and neurograins in his cerebral cortex by CIA at MCC Chicago USA in 2007~]
Vikram Buddhi's mother, Syamala Buddhi, is also inserted with the same ultrasound chip in her brain by RAW in 2014~2018,
and his father, Capt. Buddhi Kota Subbarao (Indian Navy Retd. 1988) was also inserted with the radio-powered brain-signal reading electrodes and neurograins in his cerebral cortex,
by CIA while in the USA in 2009 and then again in India while at Kota House Delhi / INHS Ashwini Naval Hospital by RAW in 2014~2018
under CIA USA request approved by orders of NSA Ajit Doval and Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
who are cooperating with USA CIA Federal agents to kill all three family members
so that no one survives to prosecute a lawsuit against the Narendra Modi government for unlawfully inserting the allegedly "highly classified [to hide their crime]" mind-reader.
I am Vikram Buddhi, MS Purdue University, IIT Bombay
Neurograins [brain-signal data readers] were illegally inserted into my brain
without my permission by CIA and NIH researchers (National Institutes of Health) under false pretexts.
These NIH CIA researchers (Brown University Nurmikko, and other researchers elsewhere in USA, Europe, Ukraine, Australia hired by NIH/DARPA/CIA)
are remotely doing unethical brain-signal data processing and misusing it to do mind-control and muscle movement experiments.
The CIA / DARPA researchers unlawfully inserted wireless stimulators into muscles and tissues of my pelvis, sacrum, coccyx, chest, deltoids, biceps, thighs.
They inserted the neurograins into my cerebral motor cortex to obtain muscle control, and neural dust (piezoelectric transistor particles)
into my brain's thalamus, basal ganglia, and nucleus to obtain sensory signals and stimulate any part of the body from this region of the brain.
RAW (Research Analysis Wing) and Prime Minister Narendra Modi
are participating in this unethical and criminal activity by ordering RAW agents to assist the CIA and NIH.
Whereupon, RAW also inserted Neural Dust [ultrasound-pulse-echo-based piezoelectric transistor particles]
into the center of my brain to read brain signals, and transducers into my penis, sacrum, and anus.
RAW agents inserted wireless eyeball video cameras into the lenses of my eyes and
is giving the video feed to conspiring neighbors at Rattan Viharand Global Solera
, and Vashi
Middle Ear Implant, called Floating Mass Transducer (FMT)
inserted into the Middle Ear of Vikram Buddhi and many other victims by RAW and CIA.
RAW agents send audio signals to the FMT in the victim's ears,
and the uninformed victim has no idea where the sound is coming from.
'Neurograins' [brain-signal readers] inserted into the Cerebral Cortex
of Vikram Buddhi, B. Syamala, and Capt BK Subbarao (Indian Navy) by RAW and CIA.
CIA/RAW agents capture the live brain signals and apply machine learning to translate the thoughts-signals of the victim to audio sound, and thereby do mind-reading.
When audio is injected into the middle ear via the FMT implants and via brain signals into the auditory cortex, this achieves two-way communication, i.e. 'telepathy'.
The criminal Narendra Modi should be arrested and prosecuted for letting RAW illegally insert brain-signal readers into citizens in violation of Article 21 of the Constitution, in a quid-pro-quo arrangement with the USA CIA.
Contact me to prosecute these people
in both India and USA Courts.
Vikram Buddhi
phone: +91-8108553210
address: JN4, Bldg. 7, Flat 7, Sector 9, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703, INDIA